Monday, April 9, 2007

Tired of the Double Standard

Yes I'm talking about the "Nigger" Word, oh god i said it. Im sick of black people hanging this over everyone's head its about time you get off your high horses African-Americans and Get over it. In my opinion the only reason that the word is still considered Racist is becuase of the black people themself's I belive there is more racism in the black community than ever because of the media and the black politicans keep the hate going towards and growing in the black community. Their isn't one person on the face of earth that has experienced the racism of that of the Jew's. When's the last time somone wanted to kill..wait MASS MURDER Your race off the face of the planet in a Genocidal shit storm. Makes you think eh?

My point being jsut because your black, african-amercan, colored or what the hell ever you wanna call it does'nt mean I can't say a word to you, could you imagine if you walked up to a white guy's supposing you are black and called him a cracker? what do you think his reply/Actions would be? I personaly dont get offended I view it like any other stupid sterotype, and trust me I'm from Alabama I get called Hick, Redneck, etc.... that gets old but I take it as a grain of salt . Time to Wake-Up People and Quit thinking Backwards and start lookin Foward.